Left of Centre – April 2011 Canadian Houses of Parliament 4 Colour Reduction Woodcut print 8 x 6.5″ on Cranes Lettra ECRU 300gsm Canadian Houses of Parilament All I can say is that I need coffee. Badly. But it was worth it. Morning came all to fast today because I was up until after 3am last night hunched over my press producing the final print for my opening at the Arts Station in Fernie next week. My hands are blistered, my eyes are heavy, but this is the price you pay for your art. Paul, My colleague at TerraFurna public art, and I have been working on a new sculpture idea that has taken us to Ottawa to pitch the ideas to many soon-to-be-ex cabinet ministers. Even though I tend to vote more ‘left of centre’ than the Conservative party, our MP Jim Abbott has been amazing and helpful in making connections out East. Our sculpture involves the daunting (if not impossible) task of procuring a de-militarized Howitzer barrel from the Canadian Military, but Jim is unfazed. As a thank you for all of his efforts, I’ve printed this print of the Canadian Parliament buildings taken from an iPhone photo I snapped on our first day in Ottawa. I decided that since even the ‘right’ in our country has a decidedly leftist penchant relative to our neighbours to the South, I would lean the building that way (and throw in a bit or red for good socialist measure). This is my subtle irony that will be left un-mentioned in my presentation to our fabulous Conservative Party MP. At any rate, I love my country, and was honoured to have seen a slice of the inner workings after following Jim around Parliament for two days. Thanks Canada, and thanks Jim. —m PS. I have included some process images below from initial sketch ideas to finished product. Additional Celebratory note: I was accepted into the fold of the Fernie Artists Coop yesterday. Thanks Fernie for welcoming artists.  

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