Here are the final incarnations of the posters I’ve been working on for the Gallery 7 Theatre season. Last year I had such a blast making these posters, and this year follows suit. This year we were trying to integrate four main characteristics to bind them all together: Distinct typography, Iconic imagery that is unconventional for each play, monochrome-ish colouring, and an overlay of texture that is relevant to each period. I am very pleased with all the posters. It has been fun working in a collage style that gives a nod to Monty Python at times, and DVD cover design at others. Please let me know if you have any feedback. The Matchmaker posterPeter Pan posterQuiet in the Land posterTuesdays with Morrie poster

5 thoughts on “Theatre of War

  1. All are terrific, Mike…for some reason, I find the Quiet in the Land one the most evocative. Perhaps it’s the expressions on the folk’s faces…?

  2. mr mike!!! long time no see…we have both your books and sorry we did not get to say good bye, but that only means we will see each other some time soon, right? tell yo’ woman I miss her laugh, and I miss your crazy kiddos that were always so brilliant and articulated, and Derek OF COURSE misses you tons. Will call and check on you 😉
    My favourite posters are No. 1 and No. 3 and they are all of course AWESOME!

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